Sorry buat semua warga KLIK sebab lewat update event kita tempuhari...

Pada hari Jumaat lepas (20hb. Feb. 2004) KLIK sekali lagi berjaya mengumpul penggiat foto di Kelantan disamping member2 yang sedia ada. Tujuan kita berhimpun pd kali ini ialah ingin mempelajari teknik panning tapi bukannya pening...lain benar tu walaupun sebutannya hampir sama hehehe..!!! kalau dalam bahasa oghe putih lagu nie dia story-->

"When photographing a moving subject, the panning technique is achieved by keeping the subject in the same position of the frame for the duration of the exposure. The length of the exposure must be long enough to allow the background to blur due to the movement of the camera as you follow the subject in the viewfinder.
The exact length of exposure required will depend on the speed at which the subject is moving, the focal length of the lens you are using and the distance from the subject and background. An F1 car speeding along a straight might allow you to achieve a blurred background at 1/250th of a second, while you might need to go as slow as 1/60th to achieve the same amount of blur for a picture of a running man.[1]

The faster shutter speed allowed by fast moving subjects are easier to capture in a smoothly panned shot. With slower moving subjects, the risk is that the panning motion will be
jerky, and it is also harder to keep the subject in the same position of the frame for the longer period of time. To aid in capturing panned pictures, photographers use aids such as tripods and monopods, which make it easy to swing the camera along one plane, while keeping it steady in the others. A low budget option is to tie a piece of string around the lens, then to drop the other end to the floor and step on it to pull it taut. This will allow a little bit more stability and allow for smoother blur."
...terjemah sendiri deh!,pokcik malah nak translate...malas panning kepalo..:please: dalam bahaso mudoh gak kita mahu gambar tu nampak laju walaupun ianya perlahan sebenarnya tapi janganlah panning kura kura dok berjalan, nampak sangat menipu tow... !!!

molek sikit...cocoh bate idung kawe nih...hehehe!!!
(gambar2 diatas disedut dari blog aweenrashdan)

Program bermula pada pukul 5:30pm, ramai jugak muka muka baru yang dilihat hadir pada kali nie terutama dari kalangan kaum hawa kalau dahulu hanya seorang tapi sekarang dah jadi tiga orang terima kasih pada Dalila, dengar kabar masih belajar lagi tapi dah pakai Nikon D300...loaded nih! pokcik kamera cap ayam jah...:waaah:!

Pada kali nie juga kita didatangi oleh seorang wedding photographer dari photoaura yaitu saudara aween (kalau salah eja jangan marah deh!) gadget yang dia pakai tak terlawan oleh pokcik yaitu 1ds Mark III dan 5D Mark II dengan lensa yang power giler...tapi pokcik ambik doh gambar dengan kamera nie dengan kebenaran beliau...tapi kalu buleh pinjam wat ambik gambar projek pokcik best jugok? hhehehe!!! terima kasih kpd aween kerana sudi memeriahkan acara pada petang tu...

Niat nak buat panning pada budak budak yang naik motor minibike tak kesampaian sebab tak ada kat Dataran Stadium jadi kita ambik lah gambar orang naik motor kelasik...lepas kita orang semua pergi lepak sambil minum kat water front depan Hotel Ridel. Dalam pada tu sempat jugak lah kita shoot landscape sunset pada petang tu...

Hampir pukul 7:30pm kita semua bersurai...macam mana semua,puas hati ke tak? Program minggu depan masih kosong lagi tuu....nak buat aper ek?

ps: kalau nak antar komen sila klik title entry...:wave: